339 Dosco Dr, Hamilton, ON, L8E 2N6, Canada
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Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sat By appointment only
Sun Closed

Fleet Management

Fleet Management

Fleet Management By Paradigm Fleet Services

At Paradigm Fleet Services we Rely on decades of fleet management experience to build processes focused on the one thing every business needs: Protection.

Protect your people, your investment, and your tools with a comprehensive fleet management system that:

  • Puts your employees at the center of your safety equation by keeping them in well-maintained and optimized vehicles, and by helping them hone their valuable skillset
  • Protects your investment by managing the transportation-related expenses your company faces every day
  • Protects your tools – the means by which your team gets the job done – by tracking their complete life cycle, managing the servicing process, and keeping repair costs at a minimum

There’s a whole range of tools our team can put to work for you:

  • Detailed Fleet Analysis: Assess what you have, then determine your goals based on your needs. Balance vehicle service yield, capability for agile restructuring, expense control, and more to protect your people, your tools, and your investment
  • Telematics: Determine areas where your drivers can improve their safety while also reducing maintenance, insurance, and other operational expenses
  • Driver Training: Assessing areas for improvement is an important step, but delivering focused training that produces lasting results is another – we do both
  • Expense Control Systems: Track regular expenses like fuel and scheduled maintenance, but be ready for the unexpected – and often expensive – unexpected charges.
  • Utilization Tracking: Get the job done without paying for assets to sit unused. We can help you determine the most efficient distribution of your resources, and help you plan for the peaks and valleys every business encounters
  • Customized Reporting: Follow anything from fleet depreciation rates to greenhouse gas emissions. We provide as little or as much information as you want in the format that works best for you
  • Recall Management: They’re a fact of life, but we’ll keep you up to date and help you plan for service interruptions when recalls coming into play
  • System Integration: Taking all the management pieces and putting them into a plan that takes your fleet from purchase through to liquidation, with many kilometers of efficient productivity in between. Our solutions integrate with your existing systems to make improvements an everyday part of your team’s operations

Ready to see what Paradigm Fleet Management Services can do in real life? Book right now for a free, no-obligation consultation. Let’s talk about protecting your people, your investment, and your tools.

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